Sunday, September 7, 2014

Essential Tips for Getting Pregnant

Getting pregnant seems like a really simple process, but there are essential tips to consider when trying to have a baby.Pregnant Tips

DO: Chart your cycles

Chart your cycles to track when you ovulate. Use an online chart, such as the free one available at, for an easy to interpret visual representation. Take your temperature before you get out of bed in the morning, which is referred to as your basal body temperature. Check the height and texture of your cervix as well as the consistency of your cervical mucus.

DO: Get your body ready for pregnancy

Visit your physician or midwife to make sure your body is ready to get pregnant. Discontinue the use of alcohol, tobacco and recreational drugs. Cut back on the amount of caffeine you consume on a daily basis. All of these things contribute to infertility.

DON'T: Wait too long to have sex

Waiting too long to have sex can cause a build up of dead sperm. When you are close to ovulation, have sex every other day. If you choose to refrain from sex during non-fertile periods, make sure your partner ejaculates a few days beforehand to ensure optimum sperm levels.

DON'T: Stress yourself

It takes months to get pregnant in some cases, so relax and enjoy the process. Stress prevents pregnancy for some, so it turns into a vicious cycle when you stress over not getting pregnant. If you are over 40, it takes longer to get pregnant than someone in her 30s.
Listen to your body, have frequent intercourse and abstain from the use of substances that are harmful to you. Use these tips to maximize your chances of getting pregnant. Seek professional help if it takes more than six months to conceive.
Accurate Ovulation Calculator Pinpoint your Fertile Days.