
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

One-time treatment gets rid of cellulite

How To Get Rid of Cellulite! - 10 Secret Cellulitis Cures & Treatment Solutions
Ever since “showing some skin” hit the fashion scene, women have been looking for ways to get rid of cellulite.

Johanna Petrychi, a physician’s assistant from Queens, N.Y., is no exception – she has been dealing with cellulite since her ‘tween years.

"Even at 12 years old, you know, always going to the beach with friends; sitting down, I look over, I had dimples, they didn't have dimples,” Petrychi said. “And it was something that progressively got worse the older I got."

No matter how much she exercised, Petrychi didn't see a change, and it affected her everyday life.

"I always wore long shorts from as far back as I remember,” she said. “You know, whether it'd be going out to the beach, or trying to wear skirts; growing up everything just went to my knee," she said.

So in November 2010, she turned to Dr. Bruce Katz, director of the Juva Skin and Laser Center in New York City, who introduced her to Cellulaze, the first one-time laser treatment approved for cellulite by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Cellulite occurs when collagen bands under the skin pull down, causing hills of fat to push up – resulting in that infamous dimpled appearance.

"For the first time, we really actually have a laser that treats all three components of cellulite," Katz said.