
Friday, July 6, 2012

'I didn't want a drugged up baby': Miranda Kerr on her decision not to have an epidural during son Flynn's birth

Victoria's Secret model, Miranda Kerr, has opened up about her natural child birth to son Flynn, explaining that she eschewed an epidural in efforts to avoid 'drugging up' her baby. 
The 29-year-old Australian made the decision to go without the commonplace pain reliever, despite doctor's recommendations, after watching numerous birthing videos. 
Recalling how in a few of the films she watched, 'the baby was a little bit drugged up' when put on its mother's breast, she decided: 'Well, I don't want that'.
Happy and alert: Miranda Kerr has revealed how her choice to forgo an epidural was motivated by her belief that her baby would be 'drugged up' at birth
Happy and alert: Miranda Kerr has revealed how her choice to forgo an epidural was motivated by her belief that her baby would be 'drugged up' at birth
The dramatic revelation was detailed during an interview as part of an equestrian-themed shoot for Britain's Harper's Bazaar's August issue. 
Miranda explained: 'I had made a decision I wanted to do it naturally. So I was kind of upset when the doctor said I had to be induced because there wasn't enough liquid around the baby.
'She was like, "most people who get induced have the epidural. I don't know anyone who hasn't". And I'm like, "I made a plan. I am determined to do this without pain medication.'
Concerned about the negative implications it might have on her son, whose father is Orlando Bloom, she told the glossy: 'I wanted to give him the best possible start in life I could.'
Giddy up! The 29-year-old talked about motherhood and more in Harper's Bazaar's August edition
Giddy up! The 29-year-old talked about motherhood and more in Harper's Bazaar's August edition
The model's insinuations that the anaesthesia could have a lasting effect on a child could potentially anger some mothers who have opted to have an epidural during labour.
Especially considering her seemingly breezy her post-partum experience.
'I didn't feel the pressure to snap back into shape,' said the naturally lithe Antipodean. 'My priority was just having my son and breastfeeding, which was something I really wanted to do, and it came easily.'
During pregnancy, Miranda put on 40lbs, 10lbs of which she lost immediately after the birth.
Certified in nutrition, the star attributes the rest of her baby weight loss to a routine that includes hatha yoga, Pilates and hiking three to four times a week. 
She also eats organic produce as often as she can to keep healthy and energised and, following the blood type diet, favours green fruits and vegetables. 
But she also gave credit for her pregnancy glow to her grandmother who, she said, reminded her not to get too comfortable with her slightly more rotund look.
'She would say to me, "Look Miranda, I know you are married and you are pregnant, but men are visual and you still need to make an effort for Orlando" And I say, "Nan! He loves me just the way I am". She replied, "I’m the one who’s been married for how many years? Just put a little lip balm and a nice little dress on. Look your best, nice and fresh."'
Of future children, Miranda, whose son is now 17 months old, confessed: 'I think probably, yes. Having a child is the most incredible experience.'

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