
Thursday, April 4, 2013

Breastfeeding This information in Spanish (en español)

The experience of breastfeeding is special for so many reasons – the joyful bonding with your baby, the cost savings, and the health benefits for both mother and baby. Read on for tips and suggestions to help you successfully breastfeed.


Why breastfeeding is important

  • Breastfeeding protects babies
  • Mothers benefit from breastfeeding
  • Breastfeeding benefits society
  • Breastfeeding during an emergency

Finding support and information

Learning to breastfeed

Common breastfeeding challenges

Breastfeeding in public

  • Laws protecting you
  • Tips for breastfeeding in public
  • Responding to criticism

Pumping and milk storage

  • Ways to express your milk (hand expression and pumping)
  • Storage of breast milk
  • Tips for freezing milk

Going back to work

  • Planning ahead for your return to work
  • Setting up a breastfeeding routine
  • Expressing milk at work

Breastfeeding and everyday life