
Monday, March 31, 2014

Women fake orgasms for ... pleasure,

– A huge proportion of young men say they have ended up submitting to unwanted sexual advances—and 95% of the time, a female they knew was the aggressor, according to new research. The study found that 43% of high school or college-age men reported being coerced into unwanted sexual behavior, CBS reports. "Sexual victimization continues to be a pervasive problem in the United States, but the victimization of men is rarely explored," the lead researcher said in a press release. "Our findings can help lead to better prevention by identifying the various types of coercion that men face and by acknowledging women as perpetrators against men."
How the coercion broke down: 18% said they were physically forced into it; 31% said they were verbally compelled. Around half of the students who gave in ended up having intercourse, while 40% said the result was kissing or fondling, the Smithsonian notes. Some 7% said they were coerced after being given alcohol or drugs—and experienced "significant distress" as a result. The unwanted sex, however, did not appear to affect the young men's self-esteem. "It may be the case that sexual coercion by women doesn't affect males' self-perceptions in the same way that it does when women are coerced. Instead it may inadvertently be consistent with expectations of masculinity and sexual desire,"
Thanks to Meg Ryan in When Harry Met Sally, even guys know that women fake the big O—but who knew they did it for pleasure? A study published in the Journal of Sexual Archives says women will fake orgasm not just for the relationship or their own insecurity, but to feel sexually excited, the Huffington Post reports.
The US study looked at 481 sexually active, straight women with an average age of 20 who weren't in a committed relationship, and asked why they faked it.
Their top four answers:
  • Altruistic deceit (making the guy feel better)
  • Fear and insecurity (avoiding bad feelings about the experience)
  • Elevated arousal (turning herself on)
  • Sexual adjournment (getting sex over with)
The first two answers fit traditional thinking about a faked orgasm—that it's for the man, or a woman's emotional well-being—but the third shows a new self-determination by women in bed, says study co-author Erin Cooper.
One caveat: The study looked at young, single women, and earlier studies have found this group can't achieve orgasm as easily as women in serious relationships, Time notes.
Still, an earlier study showed that 80% of women admitted to having faked the big O, reports NBC News. (Another attention-grabbing sex study: Nearly half of men report "sexual coercion.")
the lead researcher says.