
Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Binge-drinking pregnant mothers behind huge rise in babies born with foetal alcohol syndrome

Cases of foetal alcohol syndrome, which can involve brain damage or facial deformity caused by drinking in pregnancy, have tripled since records began
Cases of foetal alcohol syndrome, which can involve brain damage or facial deformity caused by drinking in pregnancy, have tripled since records began
The number of babies being born with foetal alcohol syndrome caused by mothers drinking while pregnant has increased by almost 40 per cent in the last three years. 
Between 2012 and 2013 doctors treated 252 cases of the syndrome, which can cause learning difficulties, organ damage and facial deformity, in England alone.
That is almost triple the 89 cases that were treated in 1997-98 when records started being kept.
Susan Fleisher, chief executive of the National Organisation for Foetal Alcohol Syndrome told The Guardian: 'There have been studies in Italy and the US that say that between 2 per cent and 5 per cent of the population is affected by this.
'And, remember, Britain is the number one binge-drinking country in Europe. The chances are we are closer to 5 per cent, although we can't say that for sure because it is under-diagnosed and difficult to diagnose.'
Foetal alcohol syndrome occurs where an unborn baby is deprived of oxygen and nutrients due to a high blood alcohol concentration.
That limits the growth of white matter in the baby's brain, potentially causing learning difficulties.

A lack of oxygen between weeks six and nine of pregnancy can also cause facial deformities while the baby's features form, while drinking in the first three months can cause organ damage.
Signs that a baby is suffering from the syndrome include small and narrow eyes, a small head, a smooth area between the nose and the lips and a thin upper lip.
The UK chief medical officer advises pregnant women to drink no more than one or two units - equivalent to a bottle of beer or small glass of wine - once or twice a week
The UK chief medical officer advises pregnant women to drink no more than one or two units - equivalent to a bottle of beer or small glass of wine - once or twice a week

Sally Davies, the chief medial officer for the UK, previously said expectant mothers should drink no more than one or two units - equivalent to a bottle of beer or a small glass of wine - once or twice a week.
She added that, ideally, mothers should avoid alcohol completely while expecting a baby.
The Department for Health also gives advice to mothers on their Start 4 Life website on avoiding risky behaviors while pregnant, including drinking.
However, Luciana Berger, the shadow public health minister, said the government was not doing enough to warn expectant mother of the dangers of drinking heavily while pregnant.

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