
Sunday, September 7, 2014

Getting Pregnant and Infertility

I Cant Get Pregnant
When trying to get pregnant, excitement seems to fade when you hear the word "infertility." Just because you have issues with infertility, does not mean that you cannot get pregnant. There are many things you can try to help you have a baby. If you feel that you are infertile, or your partner is, go see your doctor to establish a cause of why you cannot get pregnant.

How Long Should It Take to Get Pregnant?

For each couple the answer to this question is different, for some couples it takes just a few days of no contraception to get pregnant, while for others it can take as long as six months. The rate of pregnancy flourishes to nine out of 10 couples achieving it within one year. If you are having trouble, you can use ovulation charts or temperature charting to pinpoint optimal times for getting pregnant. Keep intercourse fun during this time period, do not allow it to become a chore.

Does a Woman's Age Make a Difference?

A woman's age is a determining factor in her ability to get pregnant. For females, their fertility is highest when they are in their early to mid-20s. In their late 20s, fertility begins to decline to the chance of becoming pregnant in their 30s dropping to only 20 percent. That rate further declines in a female's 40s to only 5 percent at any given time. This means that some women cannot get pregnant, considering the fact that so many are postponing children until after they get their career developed. If you consider the fact that women are born with all of the eggs they will ever have, only 300 eggs are left to become mature eggs. These eggs are released each month through ovulation.,,

Does a Man's Age Make a Difference?

For a male, it seems that their peak age is up to age 35, at which time it starts to decrease. With men, not only does the sperm decrease in their ability to swim and get to where they need to be, they also present other problems. These factors increase the likelihood that you can't get pregnant. The older a man fathers a child, the more of a chance there is to pass on genetic abnormalities. These genetic abnormalities could cause a miscarriage or birth defects.

Are There Other Problems That Cause Infertility?

Some other reasons for infertility in women include a blockage of a fallopian tube or endometriosis. Females may also have ovulation disorders or an increase in their prolactin. A more severe condition that can prevent pregnancy is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Some women experience early menopause or uterine fibroids, which also cause infertility. Another cause of infertility in women is pelvic adhesions. Other conditions that are indirectly related to reproduction include: prescription medications, thyroid problems, kidney disease, diabetes, and cancer.

Why Do Men Become Infertile?

Common causes of infertility in men include abnormal sperm count and preejaculation. A more concerning cause is cystic fibrosis. Other indirect causes that prevent a woman from becoming pregnant include the lifestyle of the male, such as obesity or heavy smoking or alcohol use. Some males experience infertility issues if they are exposed to heat, such as baths or high temperature showers.
Dealing with infertility is really difficult. Do not think of it as you can't get pregnant, think of it as a chance to find another way to have a child. You should always remember that you are not alone, and that while that is not much of a comfort, you are not the first couple nor the last couple, who will go through this challenging time in your lives. Consult with your doctor and read as much as you can to keep up on the latest technology or techniques that can help you and your partner. Visit your doctor for more information on how to get pregnant.