In study the elderly people are the most likely to wash infrequently
Most now see having a bath as a way to relax rather than way to get clean
The obsession with daily washing could be contributing to the growing number of people suffering from autoimmune diseases, such as eczema

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2546681/Britain-nation-SOAP-DODGERS-20-Britons-wash-just-four-times-week-probably-better-health.html#ixzz2rqttTYME
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Some 40 per cent of British people say they have one shower or bath every day
Who has time for a good scrub in the tub these days?
Almost no one, according to a survey that says baths are dying out, with only one in ten people taking a daily dip and half never bathing at all.
Almost no one, according to a survey that says baths are dying out, with only one in ten people taking a daily dip and half never bathing at all.
Even among those who still take baths, more than half do so as part of a pampering or relaxation regime, rather than for basic cleanliness.
Researchers found that almost a fifth of Britons wash just four times a week or less.
However, it seems the British are gradually improving their bathing habits as elderly people are much the most likely to wash infrequently.
Researchers at the Universities of Manchester, Edinburgh, Lancaster and Southampton spoke to 1,802 people and discovered that most now shower daily.
They say that the days of bathing and flannel washing are almost gone.
Indeed, only 29 per cent of people flannel wash and most see it as complementary to a daily shower, rather than as an alternative.
Their research also revealed that most people now see bathing as part of a pampering or relaxation routine rather than as a way to dislodge dirt.
However, while frequent washing may make people seem more wholesome, it could be having negative health impacts.
Dr Alison Browne, who is based at The University of Manchester’s Sustainable Consumption Institute, said: ‘Our findings show that nowadays nearly three quarters of respondents have at least one bath or shower every day.
Many people see having a bath, as opposed to a shower, as a way to relax rather than as a way to dislodge dirt
‘As a society, we seem to be heading down a path of hyper-cleanliness.’
She added: ‘If the trend for more than once daily showering takes hold across the rest of the population, this not only has serious implications for energy and water sustainability, but it may also have a wider range of health impacts too.
‘It’s obviously really important to wash our hands after using the bathroom or sneezing to stop the spread of bugs.
‘However, scientists are increasingly saying our hygiene obsession has adversely impacted on health, especially autoimmune and other related diseases.
‘Unfortunately, it does seem likely that these infrequent patterns of practice are not being transmitted to younger people, and there is a risk that they may disappear altogether or are being taken over by much more water intensive norms.’
About 30 per cent of Britons now take more than one shower a day.
These tend to be people who either do a lot of sport or who just enjoy the process of bathing.
Most common, however, is to have one bath or shower a day – 40 per cent of the population fall into this bracket.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2546681/Britain-nation-SOAP-DODGERS-20-Britons-wash-just-four-times-week-probably-better-health.html#ixzz2rqttTYME
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