White babies aged just nine-months-old show signs of racial bias, according to a study in facial recognition.
Researchers at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst found that by the young age the babies were already discriminating against those of different races in their ability to recognise faces and emotional expressions.
They analysed 48 Caucasian babies with little to no experience of African-American or black individuals.
Research: White babies aged just nine-months-old show signs of racial bias, according to a study in facial recognition
Split into a group of five-months-olds and another of babies aged nine months, they were tasked with differentiating between faces of their people within own race and then of those belonged to another, unfamiliar, race.
Babies from the five-month-old group were far more adept at distinguishing faces from different races, while the nine-month-olds were able to tell apart two faces within their own race with greater ease.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2139735/Babies-develop-racist-traits-aged-months-coming-contact-races.html#ixzz1u3Lt3H2D