It's not anger; anyone will admit feeling angry, even enraged, at times. It's not embarrassment; people laugh with one another about lots of things that have embarrassed them. It's not shame; anyone with a conscience has experienced that and says so. It certainly isn't sadness; thankfully, many women will open up to one another about low mood, even the despondency of major depression and the grief of lost loved ones. (Though I only wish men would do so more often.)
Not sure what it could be? Here's another hint: It can erode the closest friendship or even sibling bonds without any warning that it's doing damage-no yelling, no blushing, no tears.
Still not sure? Wish you had the answer? Do you think other readers probably already guessed it? Does imagining them remind you a little of those annoying college classmates of yours who seemed to get all A's without studying, or that friend of yours who seems to know which stock to buy, every single time?
Then you're getting warmer. It's jealousy.
Wanting something another person has - whether the great sex life he or she talks about or her beautiful home or the college acceptance letter his or her child received (when your child just got placed on the wait list or, worse, rejected )- is a universal, entirely normal, completely forgivable experience. But it doesn't feel that way. It feels like something a person needs to hide.
That's because jealousy is rooted in primal survival instincts like the drive to eat enough and to reproduce successfully and to compete for a dry corner of limited shelter to raise offspring. And such appetites - especially sexual ones and ones related to food - are hardwired to feelings of shame. Think Oliver in Oliver Twist: "Please, Sir, may I have some more?"
Add to this the fact that such survival instincts and drives (and, therefore, jealousy itself) compete with our "better" impulses, like altruism and generosity and love, and you have all the ingredients necessary for jealousy to lead directly to intense feelings of guilt.
Just about every person has been jealous of another at one time or another and has felt really bad about it.
The shame and guilt associated with jealousy mean it isn't something people are likely to share, either, which means it also leads to feelings of isolation.
Think about it. How often have you heard lines like these, delivered in any kind of serious way?
"Hey, just so you know, I'm really feeling very jealous of Mary going away for a whole month with her husband. I wish it were me."
"When you bought the car I've fantasized about owning, it made me really jealous."
"To be honest, when your son made varsity football and mine didn't, the jealousy just ate me up alive."
"I can barely stand to see you in that dress. I'm so jealous you lost weight."
Just about never, right? If you did hear some of these lines, you might even decide you weren't with a real friend. There's a myth that true friends aren't jealous of one another. But they are. Sometimes more than of anyone else. They just love one another enough to get over it.
Sometimes we don't even know it ourselves when we're jealous. Because jealousy is, in fact, the true gateway emotion: Once kindled, it leads not only to shame and guilt and isolation, but also to a whole smokescreen of emotions, including sadness, feelings of helplessness, low self-esteem and angst.
That's because instinctively coveting whatever good fortune your friend or sibling or neighbor is enjoying focuses you even more on the fact that you don't have it. And that can spark a string of damaging unconscious questions: Why not? Am I not beautiful enough? Not smart enough? Not diligent enough? Just plain not lucky enough?
It can be hard to recognize and even harder to admit that jealousy is really the root of all those troubling feelings and questions.