Tuesday, May 8, 2012

'I have to pinch myself to make sure I’m not dreaming': 'Infertile' mother who tried to get pregnant for 22 YEARS speaks of 'miracle' daughter

As she clutches her newborn baby Paula Lackie has more reason than most new mums to feel euphoric.
After more than two decades of trying 7lb Isla is a 'little miracle' who has defied doctors' by becoming Paula's first child.
The proud mother, who is now 43, was just 21-years-old when doctors shattered her dreams when they told her she would never fall pregnant naturally.
Beautiful baby: Paula Lackie adopted two children after doctors told her she could never have children. To her delight 22 years on she became pregnant and has given birth to baby Isla weighing 7lb
Beautiful baby: Paula Lackie adopted two children after doctors told her she could never have children. To her delight 22 years on she became pregnant and has given birth to baby Isla weighing 7lbs
Refusing to give up hope, however, Paula and her then husband adopted two children while clinging on to the belief that one day she might be able to fall pregnant herself.
Finally, after a 22 year wait Paula and new husband Grant, 40, are celebrating the safe arrival of the baby girl.
Paula, of Haddington, East Lothian, said: 'Every time I look at this beautiful miracle baby in my arms I have to pinch myself to make sure I’m not dreaming.
'I still can’t believe that she is really ours and we feel so totally blessed to have her.
Paula said she had been so terrified that something might go wrong throughout her pregnancy, that when Isla was born she was scared to look.
She added: 'I had waited for that moment for so long, I was petrified that she might not be breathing.
'But then they placed her in my arms and I could see for myself just how perfect she was.
'I was crying, Grant was crying, in fact everyone in the room was sobbing their hearts out.
'It was like something out of a film, with a real fairytale ending.'
Happy family: Paula¿s second husband, Grant Lackie, had been unable to have children with his first wife, although doctors had never been able to find a reason why. Paula's grandmother also fell pregnant at the age of 43
Happy family: Paula's second husband, Grant Lackie, had been unable to have children with his first wife, although doctors had never been able to find a reason why. Paula's grandmother also fell pregnant at the age of 43
Baby Isla Lackie was born on April, 23, 2010, weighing seven pounds.
Paula had previously been told she would never be able to fall pregnant naturally after tests found endometriosis had damaged both her Fallopian tubes.
Paula admitted she always prayed the doctors had been wrong, and hoped that one day she may naturally conceive.
Her hopes were fuelled by the story of her grandmother, Elsie Darnley, who fell pregnant aged 43, after previously being told she could never have children.
And Paula told of her joy after discovering that just like her grandmother, she too had naturally fallen pregnant, aged 43.
Even more amazingly Paula’s second husband, Grant Lackie, had been unable to have children with his first wife, although doctors had never been able to find a reason why.
Delivered to hospital: Paula was admitted to Edinburgh Royal Infirmary¿s Simpson Centre for Reproductive Health on April 22 to have her labour induced
Yesterday as the proud parents showed off their baby daughter, Paula admitted the whole family were smitten by the new arrival.
She said: 'Isla is the most contented wee baby in the world and we can’t get enough of her cuddles.
'From the second she was born she has been completely chilled out.
'One of the midwives told me that when babies are born they usually come out looking a bit angry, but Isla came out looking like a contented little china doll.
'Every time I look at her my heart melts. She is just perfect.'
Paula was admitted to Edinburgh Royal Infirmary’s Simpson Centre for Reproductive Health on April 22 to have her labour induced.
Paula said: 'At first Isla appeared to have no plans to make her arrival into the world, but from the time my waters were broken it took just under two and half hours for her to arrive.
She added: 'I had been so worried about the birth, but when the time came I loved every minute.
'And I just want to thank all the doctors, midwives and other hospital staff who took such amazing care of us.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2140922/I-pinch-make-sure-I-m-dreaming-Infertile-mother-tried-pregnant-22-YEARS-speaks-miracle-daughter.html#ixzz1uJ7QpzZA